How to Approach Your Website Redesign Process Like a Pro

Website Redesign Process

Website redesign is a crucial process that takes time and requires a lot of testing. It is an intricate process that entails going through a number of systematic steps. The first step is an initial meeting that is held so that the people involved can discuss important issues about the website such as its goals and how the new site is supposed to look like and whatever else you would want the designer or the website development team to know before they embark on the process of redesigning the site.The second step will be to draft a rough, mockup of the new design’s appearance and functionality. The third step is to present the mockup to the decision makers for approval. Once it passes this stage, the team can go ahead and create a demo website, build a new design, test and then launch it.

Web development should be taken seriously as a responsive website is likely to bring in business leads such as visitors emails or even translate to a sale. It is no secret that companies with well-designed websites make the most profit; this is because a great website is like a window to the company’s profile and services hence attracting many visitors.

If you are in the process of a site redesign, here is what you should consider:

• Keep the website simple

Before redesigning your website make sure you know what is important for the organization; this helps in determining what goes to the home page and hence avoid overcrowding the space which in most cases is a turn off for most visitors.

Keeping the page simple and strategic will help your clients browse through and increase their curiosity even beyond the home page. Make sure you include a visible call to action buttons and options for inputting a visitor’s information or a download option.

• Check your content

Website content is what will attract and keep your visitors coming to the page. As a result, they can be encouraged to try out your services.

Content should, therefore, be audience-specific as opposed to just a duplicate of what can be found on company brochures other sources instead focus on what may interest your online audience.

• Use of multimedia

A website is as good as the images it displays therefore before redesigning you should make sure that you invest in getting as many original images for your online content. Visuals are no longer a supplementary to words, it can communicate on its own.

Therefore to make your website more attractive, you should include photos and videos to catch the attention of website visitors.

• Focus on website function & navigation

When redesigning your website, you need to ask yourself questions such as what customers want to know and where they will most probably look for the information. Once you have an answer to those questions, you will be able to form a mental picture of how the website should look.

A site with a well-designed navigation path is user-friendly and therefore likely to translate visitors to customers.

• Optimization of the website

A site is supposed to be visible easily and therefore when redesigning yours, make sure that it is among the top website sources; this will help many customers locate you quickly. An optimized website will bring in many visitors since once a user searches for a list of companies with services you offer you will be visible amongst them.

• Website Speed

When redesigning your website, the issue of speed is critical; unless you do not have serious competition, you will lose many potential clients who will not wait for your page to load.

Studies have shown that a higher percentage of people will not wait for a website that takes more than three seconds to load.

• The website should be Mobile-friendly

This era of mobile technology requires you to ensure that your site is mobile friendly; even Google recently announced that mobile searches had overtaken the traditional desktop searches. Therefore before redesigning your website, ensure that the technology used is compatible with mobile use otherwise you will be on the losing end.

With the above basic tips, you should consider when redesigning your website you will be able to see a return on investment. If you need web development services, talk to us at app development Hong Kong and we will provide you with a website that will help you convert visitors to customers with a click.